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The mtxorbd protocol is actually really simple. A packet is defined as any length of characters followed by a newline (0x0a). This makes it really easy to interact with the server from languages like PERL since PERL is naturally inclined to handle strings of text rather than binary data.


screen and cursor

Clears the display and homes the cursor to (1,1)
Homes the cursor to (1,1)
cursor <x> <y>
Moves to cursor to (x, y)
Moves the cursor one space forward
Moves the cursor one space backward
Resets the screen to it's startup state


out <text>
Outputs text to the screen at the current cursor
big <x> <y> <val>
Outputs a big integer with value val starting at (x,y). Cannot be combined with hgraph, vgraph, or custom characters
hgraph <x> <y> <val>
Outputs a horizontal graph with length val (0-100) starting at (x, y). Cannot be combined with big, vgraph, or custom characters
vgraph <x> <y> <val>
Outputs a thin vertical graph with length val (0-35) starting at (x, y). Cannot be combined with big, hgraph, or custom characters


gpo <n> <cmd>
Controls one of the general purpose outputs. n is the output and cmd is either off or on
Begins capture of keypad input. Use nstart when you care about what's happening on the keypad.
Ends capture of keypad input. Use nstop when you no longer care about what's happening on the keypad.
Begins priority mode. This gives you semi-exclusive rights to the LCD. If any connection currently has priority mode set, then all output to the screen from non-priority mode connections is ignored. You can still request keypad capture, and various other non-display affecting commands.
Ends priority mode. If this is the last priority mode connection, then all connections can now affect the display.
not implemented at this time, but will eventually allow you to define a custom character.
not implemented at this time, but will eventually allow you to control autoscroll, backlighting, backlighting timeout, etc.
not implemented at this time, but will eventually allow you to query the static of autoscroll, backlighting, etc.
copyright © 2003, Russell C. Hay
all rights reserved.